WEZ - 002 - The Joy of Sketchup and Keyshot

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Hey everyone! I am Derek Weselake, a freelance concept artist in the game, film, and animation industries. I have been asked on several occasions to make process videos, and since it's the holidays I thought I'd make a 2-3 free ones showing just some of the many many routes I may take on a picture. In this one I use Google Sketchup and Keyshot to make base of an image that I paint over to reach a final concept. ------------------------------------------------ The principles of design i talk about in the video ------------------------------------------------ https://www.getty.edu/education/teachers/building_lessons/principles_design.pdf ----------------------------------------------- Links to programs in video ----------------------------------------------- Sketchup http://www.sketchup.com/ Keyshot https://www.keyshot.com/ ------------------------------------------------ Links to resources ------------------------------------------------ Textures http://www.textures.com/ Kitbash for sketchup https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/?hl=en ----------------------------------------------- Mentioned books ----------------------------------------------- Urban Planning http://www.amazon.com/Happy-City-Transforming-Through-Design-ebook/dp/B009LRWHPY Architecture http://www.amazon.com/101-Things-Learned-Architecture-School-ebook/dp/B002CQV4OQ http://www.amazon.com/Architecture-Francis-D-K-Ching/dp/0471752169 Design http://www.amazon.ca/Universal-Principles-Design-William-Lidwell/dp/1592530079 http://www.amazon.com/Design-Everyday-Things-Donald-Norman/dp/1452654123 ----------------------------------------------- Personal Links ------------------------------------------------ Portfolio http://www.artofwez.com/ Email wez.conceptualart@gmail.com Follow me on Tumblr: http://w-e-z.tumblr.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/derek.weselake Twitter: https://twitter.com/artofwez https://www.artstation.com/artist/wez ----------------------------------------------- Music Credit: Come Back by Destinazione altrove (c) 2015 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. -----------------------------------------------


  1. Great video, big thanks for taking the time to put this together. I'm inspired now to learn Keyshot as I use Sketchup frequently. Great work man
  2. It is not "FAKADE" it is facade, which is pronounced, fəˈsäd. Why is it that I see this a lot these days? younger people completely mispronouncing words?

  3. Oh good god Keyshot is $1000
  4. Really helpful. Sketch up will save me sooooooo much time when I finally learn it. Getting the right perspective/camera angle is a pain in the ass.
  5. you are working like me..wow!! :)
  6. Thanks for sharing Derek, cant wait to try this technique out!!

    For those that had to watch the video a couple of times coz its speed up, you could press the gear setting icon and change the speed to 0.25 :D
  7. Hi Derek, you're great, do you have any plans to post more stuff?
  8. Amazing mate!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! :)
  9. Thanks for sharing your workflow! These videos would be worth it on Gumroad
  10. how does sketch up communicate with keyshot. Did you just open a sketchup document in keyshot or does is work like an add-on...just curious. I like this process a lot especially how you incorporated your own pictures as tiles within the background city buildings.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 12766

Duration: 45m 46s

Rating: 123