Why Exactly Trump’s Healthcare Plan Failed

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The enemy. NEOLIBERALISM is a policy model of social studies and economics that transfers control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector. It takes from the basic principles of neoclassical economics, suggesting that governments must limit subsidies, make reforms to tax law in order to expand the tax base, reduce deficit spending, limit protectionism, and open markets up to trade. It also seeks to abolish fixed exchange rates, back deregulation, permit private property, and privatize businesses run by the state. Why did Trump’s healthcare plan fail? Simple. Paul Ryan. Blame workout boy. If you insist on immediate and easy blame. The corporatist shill. Wall Street’s manservant. He is the posterboy and architect of the corporatocracy. You know where his allegiance lies. And that allegiance never elected Trump Prez. He’s into a sphere and world that have nothing to do with Trump’s constituency. Or you. Tax relief is of little concern to a country where half pay no taxes. Yep, that’s the primary reason it failed but it’s a tad more complicated than that. Trump has to now tone down the swagger, the hubris, the brio and bravado and understand that Washington is a parallel universe that has absolutely nothing to do with that of common sense. He’s busy noshing on some crow-filled humble pie. DC’s a Potemkin village of pretend representation and constituent ideology. Behind the flutter and flash of flags waving there’s the brutal world of a coarse and callous disregard for anything resembling representative governance. And that goes for both sides of the mythical and illusory left-right paradigm. Two sides of the same coin. Left-Right. Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. McDonald’s or Wendy’s. Wow. Such diversity. What a panoply of choice and opportunity. The healthcare reform dance has been abandoned altogether. Trump has been portrayed as failing miserably and he is now presented an opportunity that is golden. He can reformulate his position and win but not with his coterie and troupe of usual suspects advisors and minders. These are neoliberal elites who trumpet tropes and shibboleths but all remained mired in and moored to hoary and concertized said neoliberal policies that are the parenthetical mission of our once brave republic. Trump’s no leftist or socialist (which may be the problem), he’s a hard right warrior set on implementing nationalist policies but even the neoliberal elites won’t let him do that. Everyone in power wants him to lose and to be perceived as the loser. And be not swayed by the Lamont Cranston of the Demo-gogues. He calls Trump a One Percenter but he represents the 1% of the 1% in shouldering the mission statement for global elites. What a profound con this master of on-off crocodile tears is. The laughable lachrymose louse. The right loves the mindless chant and rant of “free market” everything. That’s the answer. Throw into the mix the lovable, laughable libertarian spin that is basically hard-right with the occasional pepper of “freedom” or its cousin “liberty.” Bannon and his crew are rhetoricians of the first stripe and while the left is howling with delight today, the right are laughing as well . . . while America cries, sick and tired. You’ve been had again. Sound familiar? Looking for the quick fix, the bumper sticker prince. It ain’t gonna happen without a revolution and while I still see Trump monumentally better than Hillary, he’s nowhere near the answer. But you knew that. I hold on to the fact that anyone the left and right loathe must be on to something. So what’s the answer? Simple. Medicare for everyone. And be not mistaken. That’s called SOCIALISM. Get used to it. Embrace it. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/neoliberalism.asp#ixzz4cM8MenKZ The Official Lionel Nation Store: http://www.cafepress.com/theofficiallionelnationstore Sign up for Lionel's Newsletter and Truth Warrior manifestos. http://lionelmedia.com/2015/05/04/information-is-the-currency-of-the-21st-century-lionel-2010-ce/ Subscribe to Lionel YouTube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/LionelY2K Official Lionel Website: http://www.lionelmedia.com Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/lionelmedia Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/lionelmedia/ Email – lionel@lionelmedia.com Lionel Bio: http://lionelmedia.com/about-lionel/ Lionel Nation Google+ – https://plus.google.com/u/0/117173180841470374058 The Lebron Law Firm Website – http://www.lebronfirm.com Lionel Nation podcasts on iTunes – http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lionel-nation/id1015647476 Lionel Nation podcasts on audioBoom – http://audioboom.com/lionelmedia Lionel Nation podcasts on Stitcher – http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lionel-nation Official Facebook Fan Page – http://www.facebook.com/lionelfanpage The Lebron Law Firm Facebook Page – http://www.facebook.com/lebronfirm The Lebron Law Firm Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/lebronfirm


  1. Cause the right likes the market because it is fill the place of god in an Post God world. If people were honest, they don't believe in a god. They believe in Harleys, spread sheets and TV.
  2. Medicare "works" only because there has been an ever expanding population and tax base to support it. That is over and the baby boomers are retiring and Medicare is going blow up the budget over the next 15 years.
  3. "So what’s the answer? Simple. Medicare for everyone. "

    Please elaborate - compare and contrast, pros and cons, etc.
  4. Excellent non partisan session with regards to healthcare! Good material source and thanks for the insight.
  5. Lionel, replace spicer, YOU, go now. enough disquisitions on yt
  6. This is why I'm glad Killary didn't get elected. I'd rather see a powerless president in office than a president in office that creates more of the same and just makes things worse. As Lionel suggested in a previous video it's most important to start electing people outside of the 2 party monopoly on local and state levels to get things done. We have so many useless SHILLS in the US Government because we are foolish enough to think we don't have other choices when we actually do. As much as some people may hate Jesse Ventura he was an example of electing an actual independent candidate that didn't take money from any lobbyist and we need to start voting for people more like that on a local or state level for anything to ever change. Presidential party choices will never change until we have more non-party people in local and state offices.
  8. Can't make health care a right.    Its the same as making everyone wealthy; not possible given natural variance, will bankrupt the polity.    And, not everyone becomes poor, but everyone dies.
  9. PS for quite some time now I have been encouraging people to drop identities. I write a weekly column for a small local paper and that's one of my themes. Thanks again
  10. LIONEL oops cap lock was on lol. Anyhow Bernie is introducing a Medicare for all Bill and he's always saying how it is a right. I always enjoy your take :-)
  11. You mean RYNO's Obumer-Care, light, Lionel?

    And Medicare is just another failing Ponzi-scheme. A Leviathan governmental disaster.

    And you are very WRONG on taxes. The HALF of the country that DOES pay taxes, should NOT be paying them, either. It's time for personal and business taxes to be ELIMINATED, not reduced. The IRS should be thrown on the governmental trash-heap of history.
  12. I don't know what happened to ya fella but I'm done with ya. You push Socialism Healthcare and then say for his press secretary to be replaced with a slimy, given into the darkside, piece of work. Unsubscribed!
  15. we need a president who unites. one who comes up from the working class. trump is the worst choice and a national nightmare come true. an evil nutty billionaire ,with a 12 year olds mentality who is far from worthy to run our great nation.
  16. Obama looking better every day. damn conservatives, If they aren't starting a civil war, member that one? they elected An unfit nutbag billionaire who might have let the Kremlin way too much into our country. way to go dum dums!
  17. "Negotiations 101: The best deals you can make are the ones you walk away from... and then get them with better terms." Donald J. Trump

    all went exactly as Trump Intended.

    btw, I have lived in countries with socialized medicine. it sucks. no thank you. you think Medicare is the model? you must be kidding.
  18. I think Trump is quite right to point out just how it is, what else can he do ? I disagree with Lionel that Trump does not understand the process, he predicted this would happen a few weeks back with pinpoint accuracy, I think in an interview with Tucker, and also had the response ready which puts Schumer on the spot, not him.
    The USA is playing a political stalemate at a time when it can ill afford to do so, it will not be Mr Trumps fault, he is trying to turn it around, but obviously is not going to be allowed to do so..........Ron Paul offers the best advice.....prepare, just like the globalists have, the Wallmarts are ready and the mailboxes marked.
  19. The Affordable care act came out of the heritage foundation, and was designed as another tax for foundational cronies in the medical murderers and big pharma corporations. It's fall guy was grilled in front of congress just for show of course. We are their lab rats, because all of this thing called America is an experiment.
  20. Tweet Trump. Tell him to have Bernie Sanders draft the healthcare bill. I did.

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Visibility: 21428

Duration: 30m 12s

Rating: 1118