Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Rutger Bregman (1988) studied at Utrecht University and the University of California in Los Angeles, majoring in History. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform De Correspondent. His article on basic income was nominated for the European Press Prize and was published by The Washington Post. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform ‘De Correspondent’. His article on basic income was nominated for the European Press Prize and was subsequently also published by the American newspaper The Washington Post. In September 2014 his newest book ‘Gratis geld voor iedereen En nog vijf grote ideeën die de wereld kunnen veranderen’ came out. Website: http://tedxmaastricht.nl Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/tedxmaastricht Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/TEDxMaastricht Twitter: https://twitter.com/TEDxMaastricht About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)


  1. 1k a month is not enough... my rents 800 and water electric gas makes 1k. what would we eat?
  2. A Resource Based Economy is another solution. If you're interested in this video then search THE VENUS PROJECT or THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT on YouTube
  3. A.I. will only continue to progress increasing profit margins and displacing jobs. Which means citizens dividend should proportionately increase.
  4. Wonderful idea. Hopefully I'll see it in my lifetime.
  5. I don't see how you can just print more money and give it to everyone - That would just devalue the currency to the point where everything was the same as before. It is a good idea, but I think it is going to have to be much more complex to actually work. We definitely need to do something to offset the effects of technological unemployment, though.
  6. lol i woud stop working and start traveling... seee ya!
  7. Has there been any TEDx speakers who are opponents of basic income?
  8. The Protestant solution is based on myths, ignorance and denial of reality. The proposition that treating everyone the same equals, egalitarian outcomes is as foolish today as it was 200 hundred years ago. This is nothing but another Neoliberal in denial of the folly of their own assumptions. Ignorance and popularism promoted as a Utopian vision is indeed, utter bullshit!
  9. Question: we gave banks a guaranteed basic income by guaranteeing bogus loans with taxpayer money. The result was that banks started taking huge risks and giving out loans to people who couldn't possibly ever pay them back. They started speculating on high risk assets, because they knew their losses were backed by the taxpayer. They knew that, regardless of what they did, they would still have an income. People didn't pay off the subprime loans. Their speculations created a bubble economy where no real value was being created and billions of dollars in capital were misallocated. Millions of worthless jobs were created to meet artificial demand based on billion dollar gambling. The crash of 2008 happened. Society lost trillions of dollars bailing these banks out. Millions of people worldwide lost their jobs and houses. That's millions of lives ruined and millions of futures erased right there.

    What kind of monster do you have to be to look at this example and say: "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we took this horrible mutilation of incentives and applied the idea to every single individual?"

    Seriously. You are either horrible, horrible people, or horribly stupid people. Stop trying to destroy civilization. Put down Marx and read books for adults instead.
  10. does anyone else think this guy looks like a blonde christian bale?
  11. But freedom of speech does not infringe a cost on someone else. For someone to get free money and not have to do anything in return does.
  12. What happens when you feed wild animals? They die. Even squirrels have competition and have to work.
  13. this video is fine but he needs to stop whispering and speak faster
  14. It's about stress, money is a stressor and it causes headaches for people, stress free lives result in productive lives. You can't whip someone to work harder that's already dead.
    This is a great concept and many others that should be considered and most people have ambitions but are forced into working to support with no time to achieve their real goals.
  15. Universal Basic Income' is a great idea to America in terms of solving the coming jobless situation. But it can only apply to the US citizens. The green card holders should not be included neither should the refugees. It replaces the current food stamps, ware fare programs and the poverty level issues. We consolidate all the current tax credit programs and re-distribute to every adult in America. I also support the idea of keeping healthy Social Security System by getting rid of disability fraud and death benefit claiming fraud. To solve the current healthcare issue, I suggest that by bypassing the middlemen of all the insurance companies. Some countries like Singapore and Taiwan have wonderful healthcare and transportation systems in benefiting and taking care of their citizens. Why not check into those countries as examples as our pathway to success so that we can... Make America Great Again!
  16. But the country will need ressources, if the whole world is sharing it ressources, we can do great things, but what if they do not want to share? I guess this can not happen without wars, cause then it is all about ressources again.
  17. I just had my $1,500 snow thrower stolen right from my back yard yesterday. A device I had to work long and hard for to afford.
    If these people were "entitled" to a basic income, the thief would not have to resort to stealing? Is that the argument?
  18. We need to get it it of our heads that people want to scrounge or lay around doing nothing. Being unemployed, addicted, having no goal is boring, frustrating and miserable. A few, perhaps, but the majority always wins
  19. Phase it in... most in need and the homeless first, which is our main failure towards humanity. Then on to those living in poverty. In Los Angeles County in the U.S they found a way to help 47,000 homeless by adding 1/4 cent tax which supplies the necessary funds to support them. Why are people still kicking the tires on this one. Support the Basic Income idea NOW!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 281031

Duration: 16m 47s

Rating: 4143