Wine Bar Cabinet Sink Fridge, Art Nouveau Cupboard Doors Design

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

I used recycled salvaged cabinet doors from Habitat for Humanity ReStore along with some leftover tile scraps to make a great economical sink vanity in this little nook. It has a small fridge, sink, utility drawer, and cupboard. The surface is done in unique Italian tiles cut to size in a design inspired by Art Nouveau. When I'm not building great cabinets out of salvaged stuff I’m busy with my wood heat business. Dean Brandhagen Chimney Services WETT Certified Wood heat professional, Red Seal Journeyman Bricklayer Journeyman Bricklayer and Carpenter with 40 years Hands on Trade and Contracting Experience, Certified WETT Chimney, Wood stove and Fireplace Inspections for insurance and mortgage loans, Repairs and Installations. Woodburning Systems Adviser - Consultations and Inspections Chimney Sweep and Chimney Consultations, Inspections and Installations Wood Burning System Inspections, Installations, Repairs and Restorations Proudly Serving the Greater Victoria BC Area – Saanich, Saanichton, Brentwood, Central Saanich, Willis Point, North Saanich, Sidney, Sooke, East Sooke, Metchosin, Colwood, Langford, Highlands, Vic West, View Royal, Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Western Communities British Columbia. We are familiar with these Wood Burning Appliances, Chimneys and accessories: ArchGaurd, Auber Flue Gas Thermometers, BIS, AGA, Blaze King, Brunco, Century, CFA, Canterbury, Coalbrookdale, Daley, Drolet, Dutchwest, Elmira, Englander, Enviro Fire, Enterprise, Excel Chimney, Fawcett, Fisher, HearthStone, Heartland, Heatilator, Hevac, ICC, Jacuzzi, Jotul, Kent, Kodiak, Lopi, Majestic Fireplaces, Marco, Napoleon, Osburn, Oliver McLeod, Orley, Pacific Energy, Pinehill, Petit Godin, Regency, Resolute, RSF, Savannah, SBI, Security Chimney Products, Scan Anderson, Seefire, Sherwood Industries, Superior, Simpson DuraVent Duraliner, Triumph, Tuluviki, Ultra black Stovepipe & Certified Wall Pass throughs, Valor, Vermont Castings, Waterford, Z Flex liners and Liner Insulation, and many other wood stoves and appliances. Closed Captioning and Description Editing by Kris Brandhagen.


  1. Closed Captioning and Description Editing by Kris Brandhagen.
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Additional Information:

Visibility: 484

Duration: 1m 2s

Rating: 3