Wood Turning - Beginners Guide #12 - The Parting Tool

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Segmented Goblet Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPTn-ymNEOs&t=325s UKIWS: http://www.ukiws.co.uk/ Yorkshire Grit: http://yorkshire-grit.com/ Hampshire Sheen: http://www.hampshiresheen.com/ Simon Hope: http://www.hopewoodturning.co.uk/


  1. Good job at explaining things for us beginners!!  Cheers, Rich
  2. Nice tips there Mike. I need some good wheels My steel is going down fast.
  3. Good info! I always appreciate your videos, they cut through a lot of the "mystic" clap trap and get to the point. Keep the wood turning, Sir!
  4. Spot on Mike! 👌🤘It's always a pleasure to watch your videos! Have a wonderful weekend! Take care, Heath
  5. In addition to everything else I've learned from watching your videos today I learned the cutoff tool I bought several years ago has a built in width taper from tip to handle. That in itself was worth the price of admission. Thanks!
  6. gracias por tantas enseñanzas jorge de argentina
  7. Another good guide Michael
  8. You are a born teacher, my friend. Very informative and extremely well explained! Where were you when I was just starting? Is it too late to correct my errors? Yeah, probably, I am an old dog after all. ;-) Take care, Mike, .....Gord
  9. Hi Mike hope im not asking a dumb question. A neighbour cut down a tree it's quite big in circumference at 40cm but he cut it at a thickness of about 15cm. The pith is quite off centre. So the main question is. Can I make a bowl using the face of the log? Cause I always see the guys cutting the log through the centre at the pith or they cut either side of the pith. So I ask again can you make a bowl using the face of a log or are those pieces of wood useless to me. Thanks always enjoy your videos.
  10. Great video for beginners like myself thanks Mike !!
  11. i live in Buckinghamshire
  12. Nice tutorial Mike . that how I learned, watching your tutorial video !!
    Thanks for your work on the video.
  13. Very good info Mike. Thank you for sharing
    Take care my friend and do a kindness
  14. Thanks for the info Mike.

    Cheers mate
  15. Great video Mike. Love the new stickers. Cheers, Jim
  16. Dear Mike; Thankyou very much for the great service you give. I have been following your vids since 2013, and through thick and thin, sickness and health. I had my own similar health problems (heart, brain, nerve damage as well in my case), and your vids were an inspiration to me: to keep on, do my best, then do better. I wanted to add, thanks for this vid today. I finally overcame a personal challenge-- I finally recreated the dreidle box you posted a while back. Yes, it was about something completely different, it's just that somehow, it helped me connect (finally!) how to put that project completely together just right. I wish I had half the skill you have, but even so, I am happy to have enough to follow you along and get the satisfaction of a good job whenever I can catch up. Cheers, thanks, and God Bless! Joe Whittaker
  17. As always thank you.
  18. Great video as always Mike. Amazing how much you take for granted and some of the little details you didn;t know or forget about. Just one thing you didn't cover was when to ride the bevel and when to scrape. As a beginners guide riding the bevel on end grain could be quite serious.
  19. Thank you, Mike. It's always good to have a refresher on any tool.
  20. Very informative...and a cool shirt...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5926

Duration: 11m 20s

Rating: 351