World's Weirdest Endangered Species (Top 10)

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Like much of the futuristic green building designs and great green architecture of today, the ugly redheaded stepchildren of the animal kingdom don't get much attention compared to the perennial endangered animal favorites like pandas, polar bears, and owls. These are the cute, majestic, and otherwise emblematic creatures of the endangered species list. But there are hundreds more animal species on our wondrous planet that are critically threatened and need both publicity and support. From bats the size of bees to poison-slinging mammals, lizards that don't eat for a decade to seals with giant inflatable faces, here are the 10 strangest, most bizarre, unusual and important endangered species living on the "EDGE" (Evolutionarily Distinct & Globally Endangered). There are so many endangered and threatened animal species in the world it is hard to just pick 10. So, go ahead and read through lists of more and decide for yourself what the strangest is then drop back by and leave a comment with your thoughts. Who knows, maybe the semi-aquatic hairless ape should make the list.


  1. i thought that animals will be so many
  2. 0:58 Tasmania is a part of Australia btw
  3. would the world really miss 2 billion people?
  4. did you know that extinct animals have been cloned back to life 2 animals have been ''de extinct' are the spanish bucarda and some frog species in australia now they are trying to de extinct sabre tooth tigers andwooly mammoths!
  5. Anyone notice it said 28th century, were in the 21st century
  6. We need to help theses animals I am ten and is saving money for my collage so I can get a job to help theses animals
  8. Hehe, i read ur comment on that video and followed u here..fuckin funny man ;-)
  9. you should be extinct the spacker race but sadly there are too many of you maybe there wont be any humans left because divs like you will have taken over i dont think the animals think your pretty either so keep your cakehole SHUT!
  10. holy crap! pikachu really does exist!
  11. did Stephen Hawking narrate this?
  12. yea why dont you go suck a fuckin dick, its spelled extinct fuckhead
  13. @kingjoseph99 so fuck you too? i guess u r not an animal lol
  14. How about the Frilled Shark?
  15. Nice video.
  16. i think it has that long middle finger to say FUCK YOU HUMANS
  17. great video,saw a lot of species ive never heard of!
  18. good thing there almost exstinked there fuckin ugly, usless, and dangerous
  19. informative video!! thanks
  20. good job man, great vid

Additional Information:

Visibility: 74027

Duration: 6m 18s

Rating: 90