Zaha Hadid Talking About Challenges of Architecture

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Zaha Hadid talks to JO Magazine about the challenges of architecture.


  1. As an architecture student, I find her an important figure in popularising architecture, showing that women can achieve great things in our profession etc., but I have little respect for her as an actual architect. Here's why... although she has produced some very decent projects in her career, they are, on average, her smaller, less known projects. The buildings she's known for, and the ones she seemed most proud of, were the ones which capture the public's imagination on pretty photos, but are actually harmful for the environment they're built in, do not function as they should, are unnecessarily complicated and expensive for the sake of sculpturalism and are merely a reflection of her massive ego. Whoever elevates herself above the rest of us, thinking she is somehow greater (which she has said in one way or another) by definition can't be a great architect - someone whose primary duty is empowering other people's lives through design, rather than empowering herself through publicising and media attention. Even though she has also said that architecture is for the people, I think it'd be unfair to compare her to someone like Aravena, who actually does good for thousands of people by improving their living conditions, instead of giving them some white curves to look at. By no means do I think that all architects should be designing only social housing and building schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, but our profession would certainly benefit if more people shared this kind of mindset. Architecture is not about shape - it's about the life that this shape attracts, guides and enhances. ... nevertheless, RIP
  2. Wow..superbly incredible amazingly brave designer
  3. I really enjoyed this interview, thank you.
  4. Don't know if I agree with her assertion about the critical role of teamwork given her history within her own studio. Yes, the team can work so long as they are all a team and she is the coach. There are multiple studies that show that creative design by committee produces lesser work than small groups or individuals. In a way, that is how she started. Teamwork is just the most recent catch-phrase within Architecture sometimes used to justify maintaining an army of underpaid and underappreciated workers all feeding into the ego of another and occasionally producing some true gems.
  5. Genius Woman
  6. Love you so much gad bless your soul
  7. RIP .....She was born in the right place where she was able to exploit her potential and display her brilliance
  8. RIP
  9. your beautiful work will be an immortal witness of what great person this earth has witnessed! thank you!!
  11. I liked the video , I have a question to manage the program which uses Zaha Hadid NECESSARY FOR YOUR PROJECTS master mathematics 'd really appreciate it ?, THANKS
  12. Shes like the realist architect alive... 
  13. has she ever done a site analysis? 
  14. For those who read, there's a penetrating and revealing look at her professional life in Rowan Moore's book "Why We Build." She's in a unique position as the preeminent woman in the world of architecture, the only one to receive a Pritzker Prize. Her ability to thrive at that level of achievement is a testament to her resilience in a world dominated by men. I wish I could find that video of her throwing a tantrum during an interview.
  15. I am a fourth year Architecture student living in Jerusalem Israel. And I think that you are a great! much respect to you and to your work. keep on shining. god bless. 
  16. I like how she designs with absolutely no consideration to culture, site acknowledgement or context, yet labels the designs as "innovative" and people just eat it up. It's all a facade really...
  17. 15 men must have watched this video
  18. As an architecture student, i think she is very talented and a good designer but her works are very over-the-top. we live in a world now that needs sustainability, not crazy rainbow buildings!
  19. I think she is the real Iron Lady, both in name and character, Hadid= means Iron in Arabic! So proud of her:)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 222500

Duration: 6m 32s

Rating: 746